Contraception, Why Not? - and alternatives?
Contraception, Why Not? - and alternatives?
This page has some videos to begin to understand why we do not prescribe contraception
but instead recommend the Fertility Awareness or Natural Family Planning (NFP) alternatives and why they are different.
In summary contraception takes a normal human process and makes it abnormal - that is sex is ordered to the creation of new humans and the use of contraception moves it away from that "normal" and toward the ABNORMAL. The purpose of the practice of medicine is to move disease which is an abnormal condition, toward the normal ("normal" defined "as it ought to be," not "as it is commonly found" ) and toward good health. Thus, the use of contraception is contrary to the purpose of medicine.
Additionally, contraception, in its various forms, has very real harms: increase in blood clotting and strokes, hormonal contributions to cancer growths, changes in emotions and desires, changes in behavior on the individual and social levels, possible environmental problems, and contributes to the low repopulation ratio many countries including our own face. There is more to this complicated story.
We do not believe it is healthy for the individual nor for society to practice contraception.
Reasons To Stop Taking
The Pill - Jul 9, 2019, video 15:20
Jackie Angel in this first video discusses five big reasons to stop taking the hormonal contraceptive pills:
1. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies the pill as a Group 1 Carcinogen -- along with asbestos, smoking, and mustard gas. What does that mean?
2. It’s been cited by studies to cause weight gain, depression, and blood clots, and it increases the risk of breast, liver, and cervical cancer.
3. It makes you more attracted to men who are genetically similar to you - which is not good for children/species.
4. It releases estrogen into natural water sources causing mutations.
5. It can act as an abortifacient, meaning kills your baby, not just as a contraceptive.
Some sources cited in this video:
-Information on estrogen and water supply: https://www.scientificamerican.com/ar...
-Information on the pill as a Group 1 Carcinogen: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/arti...
-Information on the pill and attraction: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/bl...
-The National Blood Clot Alliance website discusses how birth control increases the risk of blood clots: https://womenandbloodclots.org/birth-...
-Shape Magazine article: Weird Ways Your Body Hints at Fertility -Visit https://fertilitycare.org/ for more information about family planning and women's reproductive health.
-Discover healthier alternatives to artificial birth control at https://naturalwomanhood.org.
Find all the sources cited in this video at https://jackieandbobby.com/2019/07/09.... Also, stay tuned because this is just part one of a four-part series on birth control, contraception, and natural family planning.
The surprising link between women’s brains and the birth control pill | Sarah E. Hill | TEDxVienna
Dec 2, 2019
The surprising link between women’s brains and the birth control pill | Sarah E. Hill | TEDxVienna
Dec 2, 2019
The birth control pill changes women's brains. Because of this, it changes women and often in surprising ways. This talk will teach listeners about what science knows about the pill and the brain, empowering women to make informed health choices. Sarah Hill is a research psychologist who studies women, psychology, and health using the theoretical tools made available from the evolutionary sciences. She has published dozens of papers on topics like eating, sexual behavior, inflammation, and romantic relationships. Recently, she has turned her expertise to uncovering what we know and don’t know about the impact of the birth control pill on the brain.
Why We Don't Use Contraception in Our Marriage
Jul 16, 2019 video 13:22 - NOT just for Catholics
Jackie and Bobby Angel give their reasons for not using contraception in their marriage. While sharing the Church’s beautiful teaching on sex and marriage, they explain why sex is more than recreational. The biological and theological purpose of sex is to bear children.
Whenever a husband and wife give themselves to one another freely, totally, faithfully, and fruitfully, they are saying “I do” just as they did on their wedding day.
What's Wrong with Contraception, Anyway? - the Catholic and nonCatholic argument
What's Wrong with Contraception, Anyway? - the Catholic and nonCatholic argument
Hypothetical realistic discussion of the Catholic reasons with common objections - From Catholic Answers website.
option for reading or audio - about 8.5 minutes
Some information on Fertility Awareness
or Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Some information on Fertility Awareness
or Natural Family Planning (NFP)
How I Use Natural Family Planning to Prevent Pregnancy // BYE Hormonal Birth Control
Aug 25, 2020
How I Use Natural Family Planning to Prevent Pregnancy // BYE Hormonal Birth Control
Aug 25, 2020
Hi loves! In the past 6 months, I've thrown away every birth control pill and case I owned and leaned into the practice of Natural Family Planning! All I can say is WOW- it isn't as hard as I imagined, and it is extremely rewarding. Here is how I do it.
RESOURCES for NATURAL BIRTH CONTROL | Fertility Awareness + How I Track My Cycle - Feb 6, 2019 (see right side of screen)
→ Taking Charge Of Your Fertility (book): https://amzn.to/2MQQEoh
→ FAM vs. Rhythm Method: https://bit.ly/2MSqC45
→ Cervical Fluid Chart: https://bit.ly/2qTlpBL
→ Cervical Position: https://bit.ly/2WO3wAm
→ What You Need to Know About the Birth Control Pill: https://bit.ly/2MTNGiT
NATURAL BIRTH CONTROL | Fertility Awareness + How I Track My Cycle - Feb 6, 2019
NATURAL BIRTH CONTROL | Fertility Awareness + How I Track My Cycle - Feb 6, 2019
Today's video is all about Fertility Awareness and the various methods I use to track my cycle. Be sure to reach out to your healthcare provider if you have any questions + check out the resources below ↓
→ Daysy Fertility Tracker: https://bit.ly/2G0EJ7O
→ Clue App: https://helloclue.com/
Fertility Awareness & How I Track My Cycle: https://bit.ly/2WMLZZa
Check out my conversation with a friend of mine who is a nurse, wife, mama & natural family planning (NFP) practitioner. We talk all about NFP and answer the questions that you sent in! What even is it? Does it even work? Why should I even care?
NFP - Marquette Method NPF (continued from right side Ken and Janelle)
The Billings Ovulation Method is also another wonderful NFP method. It is a natural method of fertility management. It teaches you recognize your body's natural signal of fertility - cervical mucus.
To learn more about Billings, go to https://billings.life/en/
The Symptothermal Method is a most trustworthy method of natural family planning. It incorporates several signs of the woman’s fertility: cervical mucus, cervix changes, morning temperature, and calculation to determine the beginning and the end of the fertile period.
Creighton Method of natural family planning
The Creighton model relies upon the standardized observation and charting of biological markers that are essential to a woman's health and fertility. These 'biomarkers" tell the couple when they are naturally fertile and infertile, allowing the couple to use the system either to achieve or to avoid pregnancy. These biomarkers also telegraph abnormalities in a woman's health. The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System (CrMS) is a standardized modification of the Billings Ovulation Method. I
Natural Family Planning Catholic - Marquette Method NFP
Feb 11, 2020
Natural Family Planning Catholic - Marquette Method NFP
Feb 11, 2020
Catholic Speakers, Ken and Janelle share the Natural Family Planning Journey, from their introduction to the Billings Ovulation Method to the Marquette Method.
Natural Family Planning, also known as NFP is a non-hormonal way of planning one's family. There are a variety of methods compatible with Catholic teaching: Billings Ovulations Method (billings model), Creighton method, Symptothermal method.
Connect with a Marquette Instructor at:
The Marquette Method has been a blessing in our life.
It is one of the most effective forms of NFP. It is 99% effective in avoiding pregnancy when used correctly and with the expert advice of a trained Marquette instructor. The method is objective and relatively easy to learn, and typically requires less abstinence than other forms of NFP.
One of the strengths of the Marquette Method NFP is the educations of their instructors. All Marquette instructors are physicians or Registered Nurses. They are trained in how to personalize the method to each client’s specific needs, preferences, and medical history. This method makes use of the clear blue fertility monitor.
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Why We Love Natural Family Planning (NFP) Jul 23, 2019
Why We Love Natural Family Planning (NFP) Jul 23, 2019
Why We Hate Natural Family Planning (NFP) Jul 30, 2019
Why We Hate Natural Family Planning (NFP) Jul 30, 2019
Reason for Catholic Teaching EXPLAINED
Reason for Catholic Teaching EXPLAINED
Bishop Barron on Contraception and Social Change
•Jan 11, 2018
Bishop Barron on Contraception and Social Change
•Jan 11, 2018
Social dangers of contraception predicted by Pope Paul VI in his Humanae Vitae encyclical have come true.
Catholic Teaching on IVF and Contraception Explained
•May 29, 2019
Catholic Teaching on IVF and Contraception Explained
•May 29, 2019
For many people, the Catholic Church’s teaching on in vitro fertilization and contraception is a hard one, but it is in concordance with the nature of things. The nature of a thing, as Fr. MIke puts it, is its “what-it’s-for-ness”. Sex is for procreation and the unity of the couple. Equally important is the fact that sex, not in vitro fertilization, is the natural way to bring forth a new life. Contraception and in vitro fertilization violate the nature of not only sex, but also the nature of the person and life itself.
If you feel that this teaching prohibits you from being truly happy, Fr. Mike offers encouragement. It may not seem fair to us at first, but the deep abiding peace we acquire from living by God’s plan is better than anything we could acquire by doing things our way.