DPC is often a more affordable choice particularly for the uninsured or high deductible insured or for those with a healthshare plan. It may even be cheaper for those with "good" insurance when all the discounts and cost awareness are taken into account!
Direct Primary Care is NOT Health Insurance and some form of health-insurance or healthshare plan is advised for the big items like hospitalization or surgery - but this type of insurance can cost far less
even with DPC costs added in!
DPC can be more affordable when coupled with right insurance or Healthshare plan!
DPC can be more affordable when coupled with right insurance or Healthshare plan!
The following links are NOT related to DIME Medical and we do not regulate content - information purposes only. Clicking on any will take you outside DIME Medical site: Regarding Healthshares
1. 5 Best Health Sharing Plans as an Alternative to Insurance - from the Well Kept Wallet - https://wellkeptwallet.com/health-sharing-plans/
2. HSA forAmerica https://www.healthshare.hsaforamerica.com/
Broker who carries several healthshare plans.
Direct sites for some Healthshares (for reference only we are not making any recommendations by posting here):
1. CURO Catholic Healthshare - https://cmfcuro.com/
2. Samaritan Christian Healthshare - https://www.samaritanministries.org/
4. Christian Healthcare Ministries - https://www.chministries.org/
5. Liberty Christian Healthshare - https://www.libertyhealthshare.org/
6. HSA for America DPC Direct Healthshare - Unlike other health sharing ministries (MediShare, Covenant, etc.) this program is open to all people, regardless of faith or religious affiliation. https://hsaforamerica.com/healthshare-direct-primary-care/
Want some LOCAL help in getting the right package for you and your family?
Worksite Insurance Services, Inc.
33 High Street
Mineral Point, WI
(608) 987-0777

A Word to the Wise
A Word to the Wise
1. We DO accept Medicare patients but not Medicare insurance. As of July 1, 2021 we now offer all services to Medicare patients as Dr. Robiolio has opted out of Medicare participation. This means that Dr Robiolio can still order x-rays and other services outside of DIME Medical for which you can still use your Medicare insurance if you wish.
2. We DO Accept HMO insured patients (but do not accept the insurance; remember we are a cash only / cash equivalent accepting Direct Primary Care business), FURTHERMORE, as a NONparticipating provider, our doctor's orders for tests, medications, or care provided OUTSIDE of DIME Medical will NOT be honored by the HMO for payment. For this reason we do NOT recommend coupling HMO insurance with a Direct Primary Care (DPC) practice such as DIME Medical.
3. We can accept patients who have Wisconsin Medicaid (Badger Care, Forward, etc) HOWEVER, we do not use the insurance and so one would still have to pay all fees. Furthermore, as a NONparticipating provider, our doctor's orders for tests, medications, or care OUTSIDE of DIME Medical will NOT be honored by Medicaid for payment.
Call, email, or visit our clinic and ask! We are happy to help!