Benefits of DPC practice to providing cost effective health benefits to your employees!
Want some LOCAL help in getting the right package for your business?
Worksite Insurance Services, Inc.
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Want some LOCAL help in getting the right package for your business?
Worksite Insurance Services, Inc.
33 High Street
Mineral Point, WI
(608) 987-0777
How to Provide Employees Healthcare as Small Business
How to Provide Employees Healthcare as Small Business
“I’m Patrick Murrow and I own a small business in Houston called Structure Roof & Wall Solutions. It is a struggle just staying on top of all the business details because there’s way always more to do than then there’s time to do it all. I’ve hired a lot of employees in the past three years so that’s helped take a big burden off of me. But there’s always the struggle of finding and keeping good help. I think that’s where the health care comes in because it’s a big perk that people are looking for.
“I first heard about direct primary care when I was listening to a conservative talk radio show years ago. We knew it was the solution for us, so we signed up with First Primary. In fact, it’s so good we actually pitch direct primary care in interviews now. We tell them, “Not only do we have health care, we have something better than health care. You can text your doctor at nine o’clock at night.” That’s a big deal for people! And they’re floored when we tell them more about it. I mean, they’ve never heard of anything like this – real health CARE, not just insurance.
Employers: How Does Direct Primary Care
save YOU Money? Dr. Savage at "Your Choice" DPC
Nov 15, 2017
Employers: How Does Direct Primary Care
save YOU Money? Dr. Savage at "Your Choice" DPC
Nov 15, 2017
Get past the 1st min of the video and it will be worth your while to watch this whole 23 min video! Dr. Chad Savage presents as point by point analysis of the third party payer model versus DPC. In his comedic style, the data comes alive as the shocking realities leap off the screen. Ending the cost drivers in the insurance model is not only good for doctors, but life changing for patients.
Short Version: Best single segment 9:00-19:00 (10 min)
Employers: ERISA plans or self-insured 19:00-22:10 (3min)
d4pcfoundation.org Nonprofits
The Health Rosetta
The Health Rosetta
What is the Health Rosetta?
The blueprint for high-performance health benefits.
It's a practical approach built on what successful purchasers do.
Employers Contact
Employers Contact
Contact Dr. Michael Robiolio, at DIME Medical (608) 482-2005 or by email contact@dimemedical.org to find out more or to discuss possible arrangements for your employees!